Now Released!
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A handbook to uncover your personal mental models.

Katy and Zeb are true masters. In this book they show their gift of taking conscious principles and tailoring them to people’s everyday lives. It’s a must-have for leaders who want to lead from their heart and soul, and spread positivity and enlightenment through their work.
The book is a wealth of knowledge that every business leader should read as it is the first step in building a cohesive and strong company culture.
7 Mental Models for a Conscious Team is an integral guide for leaders who want to grow themselves, and their business, consciously. This is a must read for all leaders to get the most out of themselves and their teams.
Masterful and vivid storytelling that delivers deep wisdom on how to communicate compassionately, listen with intent and work in harmony as a team. 7 Mental Models of a conscious team is a forward-thinking, innovative book that will invite you to think differently about how to deal with the growing pains of running and scaling a business. A must read!