Every leader is different.
Every organizational ecosystem is unique.
To create meaningful change in the world, next generation leaders and socially-conscious businesses need to translate big visions into tangible outcomes.
Achieving this requires the creativity and expertise of high functioning, resilient teams capable of delivering remarkable results.
The Elemental Leadership Method (ELM)
Designed and developed from decades of our applied learning, observation, and client feedback, ELM is an efficient and effective approach that integrates the wisdom of Ayurveda with transformational coaching and skill-based practices that increase self-awareness and drive performance, innovation, and success.
Building trust and mutual understanding
The elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Space offer accessible metaphors for learning how our personal qualities, motivations, and behaviors shape how we relate and engage with others.
When team members discover their own temperaments and those of their team members, they gain a deeper appreciation of the diverse perspectives that exist in their collective and learn how to unlock their creative potential.
We use ELM to uncover areas of imbalance and friction within your organization and provide proactive ways to rebuild communication and emotional safety. Time and again, we have helped leaders and teams achieve a state of natural balance that results in improved efficiencies, greater innovation, and higher engagement.
Our unique approach
Leverages the strengths, gifts, and innate wisdom of all employees
Strengthens organizational resiliency
Provides skills and practices for implementing lasting cultural change
We work individually with leaders and collectively with teams to create sustainable cultures where collaboration, creativity, and visionary leadership can thrive.
Past Client Demographics
At a glance
Current Role
53% Are For Profit and Non Profit Leaders
Current Role
Avg is 4.4 years
Alumni of Kellogg, Ross, UC Berkley, Columbia, and U of Illinois Champaign-Urbana to name a few.
IBM, Nike, HP, Discovery, GE and other top brands